Cadette Woodworker Badge with Science Alliance: Feb. 25
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Date: Tue Feb 25, 5:00 PM PST - Tue Feb 25, 6:30 PM PST
  • STEM
  • Cadettes

Cadettes! This event will give you a taste of the Under Construction experience by giving you a small feel for what it's like to work with new tools and mediums. Find out how to use wood to make stylish, useful things for yourself and others. Experience how to swing a hammer, keep it level, use a screwdriver and even saw some wood. When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to use some basic tools to make simple woodworking projects.

Badge Connections: During this program girls will complete the following Badge steps:

  • Cadette Woodworker Badge - All Steps

Program facilitated by: Program Partner - Science Alliance

Program Fee: $21 for girl members, $31 for girl non-members

Program Fee Includes: In-person instruction, all needed materials and a space for Girl Scouts to make new friends. A badge is not included. The badge can be purchased separately from the Girl Scout Shop.

Supplies Needed:

  • Girl Scout Vest or Sash - if desired
  • Refillable Water Bottle - if desired
  • Snacks - if desired

General Location: Sacramento, CA

  • Exact address can be found in your MYGS after registering for the event, and will also be included in the information letter.

Note: This event takes place in an indoor setting.

Adult Supervision: Adult supervision is required.

  • Adults who stay to provide supervision do not need to register for the event. But must stay on the property and may be asked by the program partner to assist when needed.
  • This event is hosted and run by a third party. GSHCC staff will not be present.

Registration: A minimum of 8 registered participants are required to hold this event. In the event that the minimum is not met, you will be notified before the event date, and a full refund will be processed.

Media Release Disclaimer: There may be photos or video taken during this event. By registering for this event, you give permission for GSHCC and GSHCC program partners to use photos/videos of your girl to promote Girl Scouts. If you would like to opt out of photographs/videos, please notify staff at event check-in.
Information Letter: Once you have registered you can find the information letter by logging in to your My Account, go to My Events and select the event. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the information letter under Additional Documentation. An e-mail will be sent out 1 week before the scheduled event with the information letter for the event. If you register after this time, you will need to go through your My Account to get the information letter or reach out to customer care.
Not a member? Join now and save! Become a member before registering for this event to take advantage of our member pricing, plus save on other GSHCC events for the rest of the year! A Girl Scout membership is $25 a year. A membership year runs from October to September.

***Please note: Membership is not required to take part in this event.

Troop Treasure: After registering, please follow the instructions on this form to pay with Troop Treasure.

Financial Aid: Financial assistance is available to girls/adults that have current memberships with Girl Scouts Heart of Central California. Payee must submit the Financial Aid Request form after registering to finalize your request. Requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the event date. You may still be responsible for a portion of the fees.


  • If the activity requires a deposit, deposits are non-refundable.
  • Refunds will not be given for in-person activities or training fees of $5 and less.
  • All other activities will be processed as follows:
    • 21 calendar days before the activity - 100%
    • 12-20 calendar days before the activity - 50%
    • 11 or fewer calendar days before the activity - No refunds

Once in a while, GSHCC may have to cancel an event. If Girl Scouts Heart of Central California finds it necessary to cancel an activity or training, all troops/groups or individuals having submitted registrations and payments will receive a full refund.
Note: In the event of extenuating circumstances such as illnesses, deaths in the immediate family, and other catastrophic events, GSHCC will consider refunds on a case-by-case basis.
All refund requests should be submitted in writing to Customer Care.