Daisy/Brownie Race Car Design with Sacramento Adventure Playground: Mar. 1 - Third Party
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Date: Sat Mar 01, 9:30 AM PST - Sat Mar 01, 11:30 AM PST
  • STEM
  • Daisies,
  • Brownies

Daisies and Brownies! Come join Sacramento Adventure Playground to earn your mechanical engineering badges and build your own race car! This workshop will fulfill all badge requirements and include a snack. Girl Scouts will receive their badge at the conclusion of the event. Plus, at the conclusion of the program the girls can stay and play at the playground (for free)!

Disclaimer: This is a Third Party run event and registration will be completed through Sacramento Adventure Playground website. When you click 'Register Now' you will be directed to their website to complete registration. Please direct any questions regarding this program to scaudle@fairytaletown.org. Financial Aid and Troop Treasure is not available for this event.

Program facilitated by: Program facilitated by: Sacramento Adventure Playground.

Program Fee: $15 for girl members.

Program fee includes: Expert-led STEM Programming, a snack, completion of the mechanical engineering badge, access to the Sacramento Adventure Playground for the remainder of the day and a place for girls to make new friends.

Supplies Needed: 

  • Refillable Water Bottle
  • Girl Scout Vest if desired. 

General Location: Sacramento, CA

Adult Supervision: Supervision will be provided by Sacramento Adventure Playground.

  • No more than one parent per family may stay on site during the program and the must stay on the sidelines. They may not participate in the program.
  • This event is hosted and run by a third party. GSHCC staff will not be present.

Not a member? Join now and save! Become a member before registering for this event to take advantage of our member pricing, plus save on other GSHCC events for the rest of the year! A Girl Scout membership is $25 a year. A membership year runs from October to September.

Cancellations & Refunds: This is a Third Party Event. Sacramento Adventure Playground will handle all registration and cancellations. Please contact them for their cancellation policy.