Packages of Girl Scout Cookies cost $6 each. After the wholesale cost of cookies, all proceeds stay local. Girl Scout Cookie purchases benefit girls, troops, and allow our council to fund programs and support volunteers, right here in the Heart of Central California.
How the Cookie Crumbles
Cost of Cookies, Credit Card Fees, Promotions and Distribution:
Wholesale cost of cookies purchased, credit card fees, shipping and
other program promotions, and distribution costs.
Troop Proceeds and Girl Rewards: Rewards and incentives as well as proceeds that go directly to troops, who can then use the funds for community service projects, program opportunities, travel, and more.
Council Services: Customer service support, financial assistance to girls and volunteers for Girl Scout memberships and event registration.
Member Support: Support for new and veteran volunteers, training, marketing resources and supplies to promote and support Girl Scout membership.
Properties: Maintenance and upkeep of residential camps and program facilities across the region.
Girl Programming and Experiences: Experiences in the areas of STEM, outdoor skills, leadership opportunities, and more; support of Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Rose Award projects; equine care and programming at camp properties; and more!